Multi Step Form – Anleitung

Multi Step Form

Multi Step Form – Anleitung

Dear bloggers and WordPress user,
easily create multi-step forms for your website and convince with the animated progress bar. This is usability! Survey, data transfer or uncomplicated contact between you and your reader – this and much more is possible with this free plugin.

Hi there dear MSF users, we’ve updated our documentation!

Read our new documentation now!

  • Caitlin/ 10.01.2017Antworten

    Hello, this plugin is amazing and exactly what I was looking for design wise so thank you. But I am having difficulty receiving the emails from the form submission, I have tried a few different addresses in the „emails to“ section but they don’t appear.

    Do you have any ideas why this might be happening? I would like to fix this as I really love this plugin!

    • admin/ 10.01.2017Antworten

      Is it possible to send administrative mails via the wordpress installation?
      Some of the providers may produce problems with the mails.
      If the form is empty it will not send the mails. Minimum is one field with content.

    • Ben/ 24.01.2017Antworten

      I am also getting this problem Caitlin , did you find a way to fix it in the end?

      • admin/ 24.01.2017Antworten

        Same to you Ben, can you send administrative Mails via the system? Sometimes the plugin does not send mail via localhosts. Some provider block theese mails too ;-(

    • Chris/ 31.01.2017Antworten

      Make sure that your wordpress instance is configured to send emails, correctly. This plugin uses WP’s built in mail function (wp_mail) so if WP can send emails, so should this plugin.

      Check under Admin Area > Settings > Writing and make sure you have the correct details there.

  • Heidi/ 13.01.2017Antworten

    Bei mir funktioniert es. LG Heidi

  • Chris/ 31.01.2017Antworten

    Is this plugin on GitHub?

    I’ve modified to include captcha (optionally) and I’d like to submit a PR to improve the plugin!

  • Chris/ 31.01.2017Antworten

    Actually, sorry – if you would just be so kind as to add an action to the send_mail method, anyone could do their own validations…

    Something like add_action(‚fw_before_send_email‘) after the POST validations in class-mondula-multistep-forms-shortcode.php around line 71


    • admin/ 31.01.2017Antworten

      Dear Chris, we will contact you via mail. At the moment there is no open github, but we will send you a mail as soon as it is available. Thx for your support, thx for you help. We will integrate an action as soon as possible. You can find that in the next update.

  • Fernando/ 02.02.2017Antworten

    Hi, Congratulations on the plugin, but I have a problem, when typing in a text field, you write from the total left below the image of the box and it does not look well what has been written, and another thing, is it possible to decrease The space between text fields?

    • admin/ 03.02.2017Antworten

      Hi, thx for your comment.
      Can you send a link so we can have a look please…best

  • Antoni/ 12.02.2017Antworten

    Plugin super. Merci de l’avoir créé.
    Rendre compatible pour formulaire d’inscription d’un utilisateur (avec Buddypress) se serait super

    Super Plugin. Thank you for creating it.
    Make it compatible for a user registration form (with BuddyPress) will be great

    • admin/ 13.02.2017Antworten

      Hi, thx for the comment, we will think about it and let you know soon.

      • Nikai/ 28.09.2017Antworten

        Yes, agree with Antoni. Making it compatible with BuddyPress user registration form would be great! Thank you.

        • admin/ 04.10.2017Antworten

          Thank you for your suggestion, we will think about it for future updates.

  • Stephan Becker/ 22.02.2017Antworten

    Hi there. Great idea! Is it possible to use 3d paty email marketing tools such as Get Response or Aweber in conjunction with this tool? I mean by that, can form fields send data to 3d party tools? Thanks

  • admin/ 22.02.2017Antworten

    Hi Stephan Becker,

    sorry but it is not possible to send form fields to 3rd party tools.

    Regards Mondula

  • Gabriel/ 05.03.2017Antworten

    Hi, I really love this plugin I used it in my project but unfortunatley I have more than 5 steps to use in my form , please how can I extend the form to more than 5 steps. Thanks

    • admin/ 06.03.2017Antworten

      Hi Gabriel,
      we are currently working on a pro version that will support more steps and extended features.
      Best wishes,

  • Tilsner/ 09.03.2017Antworten

    Ist es möglich die Schriftgröße anzupassen für meinen Geschmak ist die Wiedergabe zu groß ?

    • admin/ 09.03.2017Antworten

      Nicht über das Backend. Es wird in der Pro-version erweiterte Einstellungen zum Design geben, derzeit müsste das „per Hand“ individuell angepasst werden.

  • Ron/ 15.03.2017Antworten

    Tolles Plugin! Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Sprache zu ändern (von z.B. „submit“ zu „absenden“)? Bzw. wo finde ich die englischen Bezeichnungen im code?

    • admin/ 15.03.2017Antworten

      Moin Ron,
      wir arbeiten gerade daran, die Unterstützung für Mehrsprachigkeit einzubauen. Die gesamte Community hat dann die Möglichkeit, Übersetzungen zu erstellen und hochzuladen.

      Bis es so weit ist, kannst du natürlich die Labels händisch in den PHP-Files anpassen (z.B. includes/lib/class-mondula-multistep-forms-wizard.php)

      Beste Grüße

  • Eric/ 16.03.2017Antworten

    This is *almost* perfect, but for some reason no matter where I paste the shortcode, the form shows up at the top of the page. Is there any way I can change that? I won’t be able to use it if I can’t put it in a specific spot on the page. Thanks!

    • admin/ 20.03.2017Antworten

      Hi there,
      this is fixed as of version 1.1.5. Enjoy!

  • Waqar/ 17.03.2017Antworten

    Dear admin!
    Thank you for a great plugin. I am simply in love with it. But I am having some issues in styling.
    1. Progress bar is always in vertical position which I want in horizental setting.
    2. When selecting an option from radio button, it doesn’t seem to select ant option though it send that option in mail so our users seems to be confused while this option is selected or not.
    3. While I add 4th step, it add an icon instead of number. Can we have a consistancy like having numbers in all steps or having icons??
    Waiting for your kind response. Keep doing great work.

    • admin/ 20.03.2017Antworten

      Hello and thanks for using and enjoying our plugin!
      For question 1 and 2, you seem to be having issues with our stylesheets being overwritten by a third party plugin or theme. If you’re familiar with CSS, you can try to inspect the CSS rules to find conflicts and correct these. Which theme are you using?
      Regarding the third question: Yes, we will give you the option to change the flag icon to a number in a future version.
      Cheers, Mondula

  • Jack/ 19.03.2017Antworten


    Is it possible to add images next to radio buttons?
    If so, how?

    • admin/ 20.03.2017Antworten

      Hi, we’ve noticed that some more users were requesting a feature like that. It’s definitely on out list, so stay tuned for updates.

  • Adam/ 23.03.2017Antworten

    Hello, we are experiencing some issues where the icons are not appearing correctly in the field. Can you help?

    • admin/ 23.03.2017Antworten

      Yes probably we can if you can send us some more information about your problem 😉

  • Bhaskar/ 29.03.2017Antworten

    Hey, I have installed it on one of website, I am just getting the Top check box buttons & Previous step, Next step buttons, Like this –

    All data is there on the backed but can’t see on website

  • ken/ 16.04.2017Antworten

    my clients dont get notification emails after submitting the form, is there any way out? Please help

    • admin/ 18.04.2017Antworten

      Uh. we cannot debug or help without a Link. Please send us information via best regards.


  • Mervin/ 19.04.2017Antworten

    This plugin is not working. Already set all the settings but it has an error „Undefined“ when savings the settings and don’t have a clear instruction about the error and a solution on how to fix.

    • admin/ 20.04.2017Antworten

      we need more than the provided information to help you.
      Please send us a link.
      Did you tried to set up a fresh wordpress?
      best – Mondula.

  • steve/ 25.04.2017Antworten

    The plugin was working fine for a short while but now the dropdown boxes on all questions have ceased functioning – can you help?

    • admin/ 26.04.2017Antworten

      you got mail 😉

  • Harry/ 26.04.2017Antworten

    Hi there. A couple of things:

    1. Can anything be done about the field layout? eg. If we want First and Last Name next to each other(2 columns)…
    2. Is there a way of duplicating Sections / Fields? I know you can duplicate Steps.

    Thanks and Kind regards,

  • Santiago/ 27.04.2017Antworten

    Hi, I’m having two issues with the plug in.
    1- When the form is completed, I’m not receiving all the data by email but just some of the fields.
    2- The icons are not showing well. Can I erase them?
    Thank you. Please help me.

    • admin/ 02.05.2017Antworten

      Hi ,

      as we are currently developing a PRO version for Multi Step Form,
      we do not have the resources to handle individual requests right now.

      Best wishes,

  • Barton/ 29.04.2017Antworten

    Looks fantastic and you’ve put a lot of work into getting the Plugin to look superb.

    Is is possible to have conditional options, so the next panel / step cold be skipped based on the selection in the current panel?

    For example, if we sell a door, the first panel would say „Do you need a handle“, if they select yes, displays Step 2, if no handle required, move to Step 3 and select a letter box etc…

    Or could this functionality be achieved through using FORM Elements on the individual panel?

    Thank you and great work,


    • admin/ 02.05.2017Antworten

      Hi Ali,

      as we are currently developing a PRO version for Multi Step Form,
      we do not have the resources to handle individual requests right now.
      But thx a lot for your information, we will discuss and come back to you asap

      Best wishes,

      Mondula Team

      • Pedro/ 04.09.2017Antworten


        Conditional option is actually a most.

        Btw: cool plugin.

        • admin/ 05.09.2017Antworten

          Hi Pedro,

          conditional options will be available on our pro plugin, Multi step form plus.



  • Martina/ 02.05.2017Antworten

    really great plugin.
    How can I send the email automatically to the user email? In the form setting „Email address to which the mails are sent“.

    Thank you

    • admin/ 02.05.2017Antworten

      not now,
      in the Pro Plugin (late summer 2017) or maybe in one of the following free versions we might integrate a USER Mail.

      thx for using Multi Step Forms

      Mondula Team

  • swapnil/ 03.05.2017Antworten

    having same problem to getting data on my email 🙁

    • admin/ 03.05.2017Antworten

      thx for your comment.
      This might be a problem with your WP installation.
      Disable all Plugins except the MSF, switch to a plain WP-Template and try again.
      If you get admin mailings the plugin will send mails too.

      I hpe that helps.


  • raj/ 05.05.2017Antworten


    why Email Function is Not Working

    • admin/ 05.05.2017Antworten

      if you want us to take that serious we need more information to help you out.
      The PlugIn ist tested with a lot of configurations.
      With a fresh wordpress wich is able to send administrative mails (like e.g. User Notifications) the form will send mails.
      It’s a good workaround to check first if your WP is working correctly.


      Mondula Team.

  • Marc/ 16.05.2017Antworten

    I translate the files (po) to Dutch. Where do I have to place the translation files in my installation? Other question: is it possible to „multi“ upload files?

    • admin/ 17.05.2017Antworten

      you can modify the .po files. Afterwords you have to create a .pot ( After saving your file upload it to the /lang-Folder and replace the .pot-File.

      At the moment there is no possibility for a multi-file-upload ;-(


      Mondula Team.

  • admin/ 17.05.2017Antworten

    We just recieved a mail from Brazil. At they created a fantasic tutorial for our Plugin in portuguese. Thanks to Gabriel we can now provide all information about the multi-step-plugin in portuguese!

  • Daniel/ 20.05.2017Antworten

    habe eine kleine Frage zu eurem wirklich sehr gelungenen Plugin:
    Mich verwirrt die „Select/Dropdown“ funktion. Da dies nur eine Dopdown-Funktion ist und mir keine möglichkeit gibt eines Multiple-Select feldes. Oder bin ich einfach nur verwirrt und übersehe das die ganze Zeit?
    Perfekt wäre es, wenn es die PRO Version schon geben würde, da ich sie bis Mittwoch benötigen würde 🙂

    Danke trotzdem

    • admin/ 22.05.2017Antworten

      tut uns leid, die Pro verspätet sich leider etwas, wir hoffen diese im Laufe des Sommers mit vielen interessanten Features anbieten zu können.
      Dort wird es dann sicherlich auch eine Lösung zum Drop-down geben 😉
      best regards – Mondula Team

  • Germain/ 06.06.2017Antworten

    Hi Team,

    can I use this plug in to send data in a customized table whereby the steps will corresponds with tables

    Thank you.

    • admin/ 07.06.2017Antworten

      we are currently working at a pro version. This will be available at the end of summer this year.
      Stay tuned.

      best regards – Mondula Team

  • Craig/ 08.06.2017Antworten


    How do I change the color of the text? Your example shows black text, but mine shows up as white text. Thank you!

    • admin/ 12.06.2017Antworten


      The color of the text probably depends on the theme you’re using and not on the plugin. You can try deactivating your current theme for a short moment to check if that is the problem.

      best regards – Mondula

      • Craig/ 15.06.2017Antworten

        Thanks! That appears to be the issue.

  • Craig/ 15.06.2017Antworten

    I have a question about using the file upload element. Where do the files get stored? The email I received didn’t include any of the image files.

    • admin/ 16.06.2017Antworten

      Attachments are saved temporary and get deleted after sending the mail.

      best regards – Mondula

  • Dimitris/ 19.07.2017Antworten

    Hi, great work on the plugin. Just have one question to which I can’t find the answer anywhere.

    Is it possible to change the value of the Submit button to something else other than „Submit“? Same for the other buttons, next step etc.

    Thank you!

  • admin/ 19.07.2017Antworten

    Hello Dimirtis,

    sorry there is no possibility to change the wording of the submit button at the moment.
    Maybe we can fix this issue with on of our next plugin updates.

    Regards your Mondula Team

    • Dimitris/ 19.07.2017Antworten

      Hi, thanks for the quick reply. I tried changing the word „Submit“ in the php file inside lib folder but that didn’t work unfortunately :/ But thanks again, look forward to your new updates!

  • hydz/ 19.07.2017Antworten

    Hi, I just want to ask if it is possible to redirect url after submitting? Sorry, I didnt find the settings in my wp-admin side for the plugin, hope you can help me. Thank you.

  • Dimitris/ 20.07.2017Antworten

    Hi, I don’t know if that has been answered somewhere, I can’t find with i quick search, but, is it possible for different forms to have different classes? So the same element in different forms can be styled in a different way by using that form’s specific class.

  • admin/ 24.07.2017Antworten

    Hello Dimitris,

    in the WordPress backend of our plugin there is no oppourtunity to set classes to the forms.
    I would suggest u to put wrappers around each form an set the classes there to achieve your different stylings.

    Regards your Mondula Team

    • Dimitris/ 31.07.2017Antworten

      Hi, thanks for coming back. Yes, that was the approach I took. However every time I go in to change something it seems that it „forgets“ the styling of other elements or any kind of customisation and I have to do it again :/ nothing major and certainly not a deal breaker, just thought I’d let you know 🙂

      • admin/ 31.07.2017Antworten

        thx a lot, we will check and include a bugfix to the next update of the free

  • Mike Burton/ 24.07.2017Antworten

    This Plugin is definitely one of the best on the market!
    Unbelievable that it is for free! Thank you for this!

    It would be incredible if you maybe can work on an extra feature.
    We need a functionality to split the steps and place them on different pages.

    So for ex. you have 1 form with 3 steps.
    Normally you have 1 shortcode.
    If you can try to make it splittable that you will have the power to have 3 shortcodes that would be amazing.

    So you can place for ex. :
    Shortcode for step 1 on
    Shortcode for step 2 on
    Shortcode for step 2 on

    The reason why is simple.
    On this way, you can increase the engagement on the website (page views/ad views) to the maximum.
    For any kind of webmaster this will be the number 1 plugin in the world if you have a function like this.

    • admin/ 25.07.2017Antworten

      Dear Mike,
      thx for your comment (a rating like this on might help to spread the word ;-)).
      We can extend the functionality.
      At the end of September this year we will release the ProVersion for the Plugin and this might be an interesting feature for the first Pro or one of the upcoming extensions.
      If you want this first and/or exclusive we can send an offer. We charge from 50,- to 70,- per h for individual improvements.

      let me know if you are interested

      Michael – Mondula Team

  • Leonard/ 01.08.2017Antworten

    I am trying to make the form handle calculations for each option value. Do you have a documented API document where I can refer on how to edit the plugin?

  • admin/ 01.08.2017Antworten

    Hello Leonard,

    the plugin is on GitHub available, feel free to make your changes

    Reagrds your Mondula Team

  • Wassim/ 14.08.2017Antworten


    my goal is to persist the received form data in a local database before sending the data out via email.
    is it possible to edit the action script that receives the form data in order to do this?


    • admin/ 15.08.2017Antworten

      Hi Wassim,

      it is not possible to edit the action script from the backend. But since it’s a free and open plugin, you could try to edit it yourself and not from the backend.

      Regards – Mondula

  • pozyczka bez zaswiadczen/ 18.08.2017Antworten

    This website was… how do I say it? Relevant!!

    Finally I have found something which helped me. Thanks a lot!

  • sourav/ 26.09.2017Antworten

    so good to see this kind of plugin from you but i have two problem
    1) i need to create 10/15 multiple step but i have only 5 step on free version ? is there any way to increase ?
    2) i need to send form data in a .csv or excel format but plugin only have html and plain text option ?

    please suggest me a solution for these two problem.
    Thank you again for this plugin.

    • admin/ 26.09.2017Antworten

      Hi there!

      We’re currently working on a pro version of our plugin which will launch very soon.
      More than 5 steps will be available as well as csv export.



  • jpix/ 28.09.2017Antworten

    Can you please add a feature to be able to have more then one object per line?! This is something that should be easy to do in the builder. For the current features the builder works amazing. Also i would love a way to customize the email to pull values of the form and create custom subjects/email body contents. But right now I would really love to have more then one field per line of the form ! Moving up and down with the drag and drop works great just cant put anything on the sides of each object : (

    • admin/ 04.10.2017Antworten

      Hi there!

      You will be able to have more than one object per line soon with our pro version which will come out in a couple of days.
      Regarding the custom subjects: We don’t have that feature at the moment but you could try building it yourself, since our free version is open source:

      Regards – Mondula

  • Daniel/ 29.09.2017Antworten

    Is there a way to have a number field instead of a text field?. I mean a kind of validation field to accept only numerical values for data sanitation.

    • admin/ 04.10.2017Antworten

      Hi Daniel,

      This feature is not possible at the moment. But we will consider your request, maybe we will feature it in future updates-

      Regards – Mondula

  • Support/ 06.10.2017Antworten

    Hi Mondula Team,

    Thank you for a great plugin.We used it on our project but unfortunately, we are facing some issues :

    1. When tabs are used for multiple forms and if any of the forms have required fields then the system checks all forms irrespective of tab isolation as a single form.I have added the page link for your reference:


    For example: In this page, you can see three tabs and three different forms. If we fill up the Self service step 1 and Classic has required fields which is the another tab then it will need to be filled in order to proceed to the next step.

    If the forms were on different pages, its working well but if they are on the same page the code thinks that they all belong together.

    2. Is there a way to set an autoresponder mail to the form registrants ( something similar to contact form 7: mail 2 option)

    We would appreciate it if you check and advise.

    Thanks in advance

    • admin/ 06.10.2017Antworten

      Hi there!

      Thank you for using our plugin!

      1. got it. We will take a look at it and maybe fix it with future updates. Since we’re working on our pro version right now, we don’t have time for individual requests. But for now you could solve this with multiple pages.
      2. This feature will be available with our pro version or with future updates. Stay tuned!

  • admin/ 17.10.2017Antworten

    Here is a video of our plugin made by the user „computer“, which also shows you the installation and features. Thank you for making this video!

  • Makokha/ 17.10.2017Antworten

    Great piece of plugin! Suites all my needs except for the CSV export. When will the Plus version be released? October is almost over. Regards.

    • admin/ 17.10.2017Antworten

      Hey there!
      We’re really glad you like it!
      The plus version will launch at the end of this week or next week. Stay tuned!

      regards – Mondula

  • niclas/ 23.11.2017Antworten

    Liebes Mondula Team,
    wir sind super happy mit eurem Formular! Jedoch gibt es einen Aspekt, den wir noch nicht eigenständig klären konnten. Werden Bilder in dem Formular angehängt, kommen diese nicht immer in unserem Email Postfach an. Häufig, werden sie in der Mail garnicht angezeigt und sind somit verloren. Ist diesbezüglich etwas bekannt, oder habt ihr einen Lösungsvorschlag für uns?


    • admin/ 23.11.2017Antworten

      Moin Niclas,
      bisher hatten wir noch keine Probleme mit dem Fileupload. Heute haben wir ein Update auf Version 1.2.3 released, welches den Upload mehrerer Files in einem Upload-Input erlaubt. Bitte zieh dir mal das neue Update und berichte dann, ob alles ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.
      Beste Grüße
      Lewe von Mondula

  • baerbung/ 21.12.2017Antworten

    Moin, euer Plugin ist ziemlich nice und simpel. Allerdings versuche ich gerade einige wichtige Elemente für unser Vorhaben anzupassen.

    1. Besteht die Möglichkeit zwei Felder nebeneinander zu platzieren? Beispiel Spalte a) Vorname und Spalte B) Nachname?

    2. Ich hab eine HMTL Tabelle ohne Probleme einfügen können. Allerdings werden die Infos nicht in der Zusammenfassung dargestellt und nicht per E-Mail verschickt. Gibt es dafür auch eine Lösung?

    Hintergrund: Bei unserem Produkt müssen die gleichen Angaben für 2 Personen abgefragt werden, die idealerweise in einer Sektion angegeben werden müssen. Das mit den Checkboxen ist euch ziemlich gelungen, allerdings wäre eine Checkbox Tabelle ein richtig geiles Feature -> Vor allem für große Umfragen.

    Leider werde gibt eure Documentation nicht viele Infos…

    VG aus Berlin

    • admin/ 21.12.2017Antworten

      Danke für deine Nachricht 🙂

      1. Leider nicht via backend. Du könntest allerdings versuchen es selber zu basteln:
      2. zur Zeit haben wir dafür noch keine Lösung. Ich gebe aber deine Vorschläge und Ideen weiter an die Entwickler, vielleicht werden die in zukünftigen Updates integriert.

      Wenn es für euch sehr wichtige Elemente sind, können wir es für euch auch individuell zusammenbauen: 🙂

      Viele Grüße – Mondula

  • Rene/ 24.12.2017Antworten

    Hallo, ich habe ein sehr großes Formular gebaut. Soweit funktionierte alles recht gut, jedoch erscheint plötzlich die Fehlermeldung „undefined“ – Leider wird nicht verraten wo sich der Fehler befindet. Sobald ich irgendein Element hinzufüge erscheint diese Fehlermeldung. Etwas frustrierend das ganze… A) man baut lange an einem formular und kommt nicht weiter B) man kann den fehler nicht analysieren.


  • Alam/ 09.02.2018Antworten

    How to add username and password fields not have any option during making registration form?

    • admin/ 28.02.2018Antworten

      Hi Alam,

      I do not quite understand your question. If you drag the „Registration“ element into your form, you will automatically get an „E-Mail“ and „Username“ field. You only have to check the box for the „Password“ field.

      Regards – Mondula

  • Luke/ 14.03.2018Antworten

    Hallo, Besten Dank für das super Plugin – ich habe viele ausprobiert aber eures ist für mein Vorhaben das beste.
    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die HTML E-Mails anzupassen? Möchte dort gerne ein anderes Erscheinungsbild der Formulareingaben und allenfalls auch die IP Adresse hinzufügen. Kann man dies in einer bestimmten PHP Datei abändern?

    Freundliche Grüsse – Luke

    • admin/ 16.03.2018Antworten

      Hi Luke,

      Vielen dank, wir freuen uns dass dir das plugin gefällt 🙂
      Du kannst das HTML für die Mail in der PHP file „includes/lib/class-mondula-multistep-forms-wizard.php“ ändern,
      in der Funktion render_mail in der Zeile 348.

      Viele Grüße,


  • Kris/ 20.04.2018Antworten

    Hi there,

    I just tried this wonderful plugin. I need your help before heading to the pro version.
    Just found that the step started from number 2 not 1. The step tile didn’t display under the progress bar but showed above the section title. Could you please help me out? Thank you.


    • admin/ 23.04.2018Antworten

      Hi there!
      We need more information to understand your problem correctly. Could you send us a screenshot? ( Or the webpage with the form?
      Did you make sure that every title is named?

      regards – Mondula

  • Waheed/ 20.05.2018Antworten

    Hi there, there seems to be a problem with file uploads. Sometimes I get all the attachments in my mail other times I get none, even when all fields are required

    • admin/ 24.05.2018Antworten

      we hearded about that issue. After a lot of testing most of the time the solution might be that the max limit of data in you WP instance is to low. Increase the memory for your WP and please try again.

  • James/ 14.07.2018Antworten

    Is it possible to add an image or picture to each section? The file upload doesn’t seem to allow image uploads?

    • admin/ 16.07.2018Antworten

      Hi James, not out of the box. And att. will not be stored because of security reasons.

  • janareddy/ 31.10.2018Antworten


    i have a got a different requirement, depending on the selection of radio button in forst step i need to change the secon step form elaments.

    is it possible in this plugin?

    • admin/ 05.11.2018Antworten

      can you please decribe your issue a little bit more detailed?

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