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Multi Step Form

Welcome to this short demonstration of the Mondula Multi Step Form for Wordpress.


You can use Sections to easliy structurize your content for e.g. user surveys.

Input Fields

Here u can see the selection of different types of input fields currently usable with this plugin

Multi Selection

Use the designed elements for your formulars

Conditional Fields

Choose which elements you want to show or hide, depending on previous elements

Form Submit

This is the final step where the user submits the form to u.

  • Introduction
  • Sections
  • Input Fields
  • Multi Selection
  • Conditional Fields
  • Form Submit

Short introduction

Create responsive, complex Multi-Step formulas. A drag & drop-based back end makes it easy to create highly complex forms for e.g. user surveys. You can use the animated progressbar to guide your users through your forms. Change the colors to match your CI. This demo shows you features of the free version, as well as of the plus version.

Section 01

It is possible to put in custom text at all places.

Section 02


Section 03


Section 04


Input fields

Radio Buttons

Please choose between:


Please choose one or more options:


Conditional Fields

Crust type


Noodle type


Soup type


User data

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