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Multi Step Form FAQs

Multi Step Form FAQs

Multi Step Form - FAQs

Q. Can I embed multiple forms on one page?

A. You can only embed one form per page of each website

Q. How to install the Plugin?

A. Installing the plugin can be done either by searching for “Multi Step Form” via the “Plugins“ > „Add New” screen in your WordPress dashboard, or by using the following steps:

  1. Download the plugin via
  2. Upload the ZIP file through the ‘Plugins > Add New > Upload’ screen in your WordPress dashboard
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Q. Where’s the settings page?

A. The global settings can be found in your WordPress “Settings” > “Multi Step Form”. These settings include styling options and general options.

Q. We are using Multi Step Form and arent able get to send emails. Would you be able to help me?

A. Are you receiving any administrative e-mails? If so, it probably has something to do with your current theme or plugin configuration. Our plugin uses the standard wordpress mail function. Try changing it back to the wordpress standard theme, and turn off all plugins except of the multi step form.

Q. Redirect after submit button?

A. you can redirect the users to a specific page after clicking on the submit button. Go to your form and click on Form settings. Under „General settings“ you can add a custom url (thank-you-page:)

Q. Change previous step, next step & submit button labels?

A. If you are looking for a translation in your language, please have a look at WordPress Translations. Anybody can create translations for MSF. Multi Step Form will use the language selected in your WordPress Backend.

Getting fancy? You can always customize all the labels with Loco Translate.

Q. Is there a database function so that we can download a .csv file with data that has been captured?

A. Our MSF Plus version contains the feature of saving in backend plus Json in- and export.
MSF Plus is available here

Q. What can I do when no e-mail is sent on form submission?

A. Check that at least one form field is filled out when you submit the form. When the form is empty the plugin doesn’t send an e-mail.
Also, check that you can send mails from your WordPress installation.

Q. Can I use a plain, unstyled layout for my forms?

A. Yes. Go to WordPress “Settings” > “Multi Step Form”. Uncheck the “Boxed Layout” checkbox to get a plain layout.

Q. Can I customize the colors used with the progress bar?

A. Yes. Go to WordPress “Settings” > “Multi Step Form”. There u can customize the look and feel of the progress bar. Switch it on or off.

Q. How can I add a form to my page or post?

A. Forms are embedded with shortcodes. The shortcodes can be found at the form list view when clicking “Multi Step Form” in your WordPress menu on the left. The shortcode for your first form with the id 1 is [ multi-step-form id=“1″ ]

Q. GET-Variable

Labeling: The form value is saved under this name
GET parameter: Identifier for the variable in the GET request.
The value assigned to the variable in the GET request is assigned to the form element.
The value „Peter“ is now set for the GET form element with the GET parameter „Name“.