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Software Development

Application design as simply smart software development

It is our goal to realize easy to use software that can be operated easily and is able to show complex data in a plain way. Especially concerning browser based software there are is a multitude of elegant solutions that are common to most users of social networks and online shops. On this basis we develop software for companies and their customers – inclusing browser based intranet solutions as well as solutions for external affairs.

Business Software

Business software should ease processes, satisfy customer needs or motivate employees – best all three. The latter is our ambition. It is important for us that the implementation of our products is favorably recieved and conributes to the optimization of workflows as well as resource useage. Ideally data is inserted into the system at the very first opportunity – that is where the data comes into existence or where it enters the company.

That is not always as easy as it sounds but our solutions help in doing so as well as it serves to avoid redundancies and eases intuitiv data entry and conversion.We focus on browser based thin clients together with a Java backend server.

App Development from MondulaDarts App from Mondula