
Process Consulting

  • Analyzing Project Aims
  • Defining Process Schemes
  • Evaluation of Processes and Determination of Improvement Potential

Having defined the motivation of a project, the next step is to develop precise goals including their weightage. Generally it makes sense to envision potential improvement on the basis of existing business processes and so being able to analyze the cost-benefit of each goal. For this we develop a model of your corporation together with you – that may be contextual, graphical or even as an animalted html-file. The latter often helps for developing an intuitive unterstanding of the business scheme and discussing it with others. Upon the processes risks may be analyzed and organizational challenges to which attention should be paid can be identified early. Priorization of different goals may as well be subject to the consultation.

Planning is everything

Processes and Organization

  • Process Optimization and Automation
  • Conceptual Consulting
  • Project Consulting and Realization

IT and Training

  • Software Evaluation
  • Business Intelligence
  • IT-Architecture (Java, Spring & JEE)
  • Trainings (Java & HTML5)


Concept Definition

  • Concept Definition
  • Preparation of Specification Sheets
  • Evaluation of Specification Sheets

Before a project can entry the implementation phase a description of everything to be realized must be provided. Such a concept may be more or less detailed, but shoud in either case contain all importent outline data. During an agile realization of a project there are many feedback cycles so that a less detailed concept may suffice.

Project Consultancy

  • Initial Project Organization
  • Project Management
  • Support of Communication between IT and Operating Department

The realization of a project is our daily business. Usally our projects are developed incrementally togetzer with our clients. In doing so a rough concept gives an illustration of the project containing process and data models.


Software Evaluation

  • Evaluation of Software Solutions
  • Inspection of Interfaces
  • Analysis of Business Architecture

In many cases an in-house development is not the most efficient war because there are already standard solutions in existence that meet most of the requirements much cheaper. Nevertheless a standard solution must be integrated into the existing IT environment just as well.



  • Java Enterprise Architectures
  • OSGI
  • Build and Release Management plus Continuous Integration
  • Test Integration

Especially concerning projects based on Java we offer consulting services during the conception of IT projects. We look back on 15 years of experience in developing Java based software. Thus we are able to see many things from a independent point of view and will point out the best solutions for your problems. We especially focus on Java as server language.