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Multi Step Form



  1. „Mail Format“
    Here you can set the format (HTML or Plain Text) of the outgoing emails.
  2. „Summary“
    If this checkbox is checked a summary will show up at the end of the form and is placed in the email.
  3. „CC“
    If this checkbox is checked the user will get a email with the submitted data.


  1. „Progress Bar“
    Turn the progress bar on or off (activated by default).
  2. „Boxed Layout“
    „Boxed Layout“ affects the content boxes in your form. If the checkbox is checked, the content boxes are displayed with a gray background color and a colored bar on the left side. The color of the bar results from the color you select in the „Active Step Color“ field. If you uncheck the checkbox here, you get a plain layout.
  3. „Active Step Color“
    The color value, which can be set in „Active Step Color“, is the primary color of the progress bar as well as the leftbar color of the content boxes.
  4. „Visited Step Color“
    The color value you can set in „Visited Step Color“ is the color in the progress bar for the already completed steps in the form.
  5. „Next Step Color“
    The color value that can be set in „Next Step Color“ is the color in the progress bar for the steps that have not yet been accomplished in the form.
  6. „Button Color“
    The color value you can set in „Button Color“ is the color of the buttons below for the forward and backward navigation.


  1. Enable entry saving
    On default the checkbox is not checked. Check it to save your form entries.
  2. Entries per page
    Here you can choose how many form entries per page will show up in the backend.


  1. Enable conditional blocks
    On default the checkbox is not checked. Check it to activate the „conditional fields“ in your forms.


  1. Enable user registration
    On default the checkbox is not checked. Check it to activate the „user registration“ in your forms.
  2. Notify new users
    On default the checkbox is not checked. Check it to notify new users.
  3. Save Metadata
    On default the checkbox is not checked. Check it to save the filled forms as metadata.